Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Make me a willow cabin at your gate...

Later this month I am off to see 'Twelth Night' being staged at The Living Willow Theatre in mid-Wales. The theatre is a down sized version of The Globe Theatre in London and (surprise, surprise) is constructed of living willow.

This is very apt as in 'Twelth Night' Viola's speech to Olivia begins 'Make me a willow cabin at your gate...' (Act 1, Scene 5).

Willow (Salix) is often a graceful tree and available in many different varieties.

S. alba 'Britzensis' boasts red and orange stems.

S. babylonica 'Tortuosa' has beautiful twisted green branches and foliage

S. integra 'Flamingo' is a very small tree will lovely green, white and pink mottled foliage.
Willows do prefer a moist ground and are often planted next to rivers or streams. Many will tolerate clay and some exposure. The Salix family offers wonderful variety with trees ranging from a 20 year height of 2.5m to a much larger 10m height. The bark can be yellow, orange, red, green or purple and is often used in weaving.
A great selection for winter interest and popular with wildlife.

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