Monday 9 August 2010

Paradisaical Pinks

See below my top picks for paradisaical pinks!

Enkianthus campanulatus - Little bell shaped flowers hang en masse under the branches of this medium sized shrub. The flowers are cream with a dusky, antique-pink edge and pinstripes. Lovely architectural shrub with brilliant autumn colour too!

Acer palmatum 'Oridono-nishiki' - Gorgeous cream, pink and green young foliage emerges in spring. The pretty leaves of this Japanese maple keep their pink hue into the summer.

Sorbus vilmorinii - lovely rowan tree with pink and white marbled berries that hang onto bare branches in heavy clusters well into the winter. A beautiful, striking rose pink against dark green foliage with a greyish sheen.

Prunus 'Shirofugen' - Double candyfloss pink flowers droop on the long flower stems of this flowering cherry tree. A stunner for spring interest with good autumn colour too!

Crataegus 'Paul Scarlet' - A beautiful small tree this hawthorn boasts bunches of bright pink flowers in May against a foil of dark green foliage. The hawthorn family is very tough so this is an ideal choice for difficult, exposed positions.

For more beautiful pinks see our website

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